Parliamentary Evening at the Berliner Museum für Kommunikation

On October 12, the exhibition “#Krisenalltag – Kommunikation in der Pandemie” (#Daily crisis business – communication during the pandemic), to which mecom contributed, ended with a Parliamentary Evening. How does risk communication succeed in times of crisis? Since July, an exhibition at the Museum für Kommunikation Berlin (Berlin Museum of Communication), to which we contributed […]

mecom new member of Cyber Security Cluster Bonn e.V.

Around 100 members from the segments business, science and politics contribute to the Cyber Security Cluster Bonn e.V. As of late, we also belong to the association. Cyber Security Cluster Bonn serves to promote and network science, research and education, business, authorities and public institutions. The association brings together cumulative cyber security knowledge, years of expertise, […]

Filmic review of the exhibition opening at the Berliner Museum für Kommunikation

Two weeks ago, we attended a vernissage in Berlin at the Museum für Kommunikation (Berlin Museum of Communication). Since 13 July, the exhibition “#Krisenalltag – Kommunikation in der Pandemie” (#Daily crisis business – communication during the pandemic), to which we contributed in terms of organization and content, has been running there. The exhibition shows initial […]