Parliamentary Evening at the Berliner Museum für Kommunikation

On October 12, the exhibition “#Krisenalltag – Kommunikation in der Pandemie” (#Daily crisis business – communication during the pandemic), to which mecom contributed, ended with a Parliamentary Evening. How does risk communication succeed in times of crisis? Since July, an exhibition at the Museum für Kommunikation Berlin (Berlin Museum of Communication), to which we contributed […]

Filmic review of the exhibition opening at the Berliner Museum für Kommunikation

Two weeks ago, we attended a vernissage in Berlin at the Museum für Kommunikation (Berlin Museum of Communication). Since 13 July, the exhibition “#Krisenalltag – Kommunikation in der Pandemie” (#Daily crisis business – communication during the pandemic), to which we contributed in terms of organization and content, has been running there. The exhibition shows initial […]